If you are not doing what you love to do, you have to ask yourself, what am I doing? Am I just selling out? Am I just setting a goal for something down the road that I may or may not reach or am I carpe deim, am I seizing the day and living my life the best way I know how? If you already are, then you are probably having FUN. Today's guest is no exception, his name is Vincenzo Landino and known by many of his friends by 'Enzo'. A couple of years ago, Vincenzo and I jumped on a site called Blab. I was very early in the Blabosphere (Which is no longer with us) for about a year we did a show called Blab Talk Live, which became a staple in the Blab diet. Vincenzo is also a public speaker, he works with big brands, and he is a creative director for the Aftermaq agency.